
Dry Ice/Soda Blasting

Both soda blasting and dry ice blasting are similar in nature however there are significant differences and benefits from each. They are both used for cleaning a multitude of surfaces, such as wood, brick, metal, stone, etc. Soda blasting uses bicarbonate soda similar to baking soda however it is manufactured specifically for blasting/cleaning purposes. Dry ice uses dry ice pellets that disintegrate upon contact with the surface to be cleaned.


Soda Blasting is a milder form of abrasive blasting, and also non-destructive to the surfaces it cleans.


Some advantages to these two types of blasting cleaning methods are they are more efficient and effective at removing surface contamination than hand cleaning techniques. Dry Ice produces less waste and/or dust as the media evaporates after hitting the surface. Soda has the added benefit of deodorizing while cleaning. This is because of the bicarbonate soda.


Dry Ice can, during winter months, if is damp and cold outside and the unit has to remain outside during the blasting process can cause the pellets to freeze together in the hopper. Soda is consistent in all weather conditions including rain fall and high humidity but does leave more to clean up.